Buddhism has its origin in India Buddhist cultures of China, Korea, and Japan are represented here at the Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism. A total of roughly 3.5 million people joined forces to construct the Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism and completed the entire temple in only seven years without even a single accident. The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism, in its vast precincts of over 180 hectares, has the Front Gate, the North Gate, the South Gate, the Main Gate, the Washstand, the Ksitigarbha Hall, the Prince Shotoku Hall, the Five-story Pagoda, the North Bell Tower, the South Bell Tower, the Main Halls including the Amida Hall and the Sakyamuni Hall and the Avalokitesvara Hall, the Sutra Hall, the Merit-transference Hall, the Okunoin Hall, the International Buddhist Conference Hall, the Sangha Hall, and the Main Building. All the buildings are decorated with 10,524 sculptures and statues and more than 450,173 metal carvings.

社寺建築 仏教美術 念佛宗 The Buddhist Art of Nenbutsushu
社寺建築 仏教美術 念佛宗 The Buddhist Art of Nenbutsushu

欄楯 阿弥陀経には極楽国土。七重欄楯。七重羅網。七重行樹。皆是四宝。周匝囲遶。(七重の高欄、欄干、垣根)と書かれている(欄楯は垣根)。この場所から仏の世界を表し結界を示す為の荘厳 念佛宗総本山境内

飛天 琵琶板彫刻 社寺建築 念佛宗無量壽寺総本山「佛教之王堂」 山門 The Buddhist Art of Nenbutsushu Woodcarving